LIGETI 100 - workshop for conductors and composers

2023.05.23. - 2023.05.28.
Budapest Music Center

In the frame of "Ligeti 100" festival in Budapest Music Center, the Eötvös Foundation is announcing a consultation course for composers and conductors spotlight on György Ligeti.

23-28 May, 2023, Budapest, Hungary

The Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation is announcing a consultation course for professional composers and conductors for the period between 23-28 May 2023.

The leading professors of the program are Peter Eötvös (conductor, composer), and Gregory Vajda (conductor, composer).

The participants get a chance to attend the designated events of BMC’s (Budapest Music Center) Ligeti 100 series. Actively participating conductors get to rehearse with the UMZE New Music Ensemble and select vocal soloists, and take part in a consultation with Gregory Vajda about the following pieces:

- Ligeti: Aventures

- Ligeti Nouvelles aventures

also, they will have an opportunity to rehearse with Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra, led by Peter Eötvös, working on the following piece:

- Ligeti: Hamburgisches Konzert

Up to 3 conductors will be accepted as „active” participant Only those will be selected, who are prepared, and have profound knowledge of all the pieces conducted during the course (Ligeti: Aventures, Nouvelles aventures, Hamburgisches Konzert). Those, who are not selected as active participants are welcome to visit as observers, they’ll get to have a consultation with Gregory Vajda about the pieces, but we cannot provide rehearsal opportunity for them.

All partaking composers are welcome to all our programs, but only 2 „active” composers get a private consultation with Peter Eötvös. The composers get to show their own works to the professor, who will advise them, and help them refine their technique. Observer composers will not get an opportunity for private consultations.

The application is open to all nationalities, we invite young professional conductors and composers to apply.

Preliminary program:

- 23 May 2023:

o 14:00-17:00 – rehearsal visit – UMZE Ensemble conducted by Gregory Vajda, venue: BMC

o 18:00-21:00 – consultation with Gregory Vajda for the active conductors (Aventure, Nouvelles aventures)

- 24 Max 2023:

o 11:00-13:00 – consultation with Gregory Vajda for observer conductors

o 14:00-17:00 – rehearsal visit – UMZE Ensemble conducted by Gregory Vajda, venue: BMC

o 18:00-21:00 – active conductors get to rehearse with the UMZE Ensemble

o 18:30-20:30 – Peter Eötvös’s private consultation with 2 active composers – venue: BMC

- 25 May 2023:

o 10:00-13:00 – rehearsal visit – general rehearsal of UMZE Ensemble conducted by Gregory Vajda, venue: BMC

o 15:00-18:00 – rehearsal visit – Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra conducted by Peter Eötvös, venue: rehearsal hall of Budapest Concerto

o 18.30-19.15- Eötvös consultation with 3 conductors - BMC

o 19:30 – concert of UMZE Ensemble conducted by Gregory Vajda at BMC

- 26 May 2023:

o 10:00-12.00 – Analysis of the Hamburgisches Konzert with Alessio Elia for composers and conductors - BMC

o 15:00-18:00 – rehearsal visit – Concerto Budapest conducted by Peter Eötvös, venue: rehearsal hall of Concerto Budapest, 15:00 - 16:15 the 3 active conductors get to rehearse with the orchestra (Hamburgisches Konzert)

o 18:30-20:30 – Peter Eötvös’s private consultation with 2 active composers, venue: BMC

- 27 May 2023:

o 9.30-11.00 rehearsal visit - Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra, conducted by András Keller
Ligeti: Ramification

o afternoon - Ligeti exhibition visit (Anna Dalos)

o 19:00 - Ligeti solo pieces – concert and conversation, venue: BMC

- 28 May 2023:

o 11:00-14:00 – rehearsal visit – general rehearsal of Budapest Concerto Symphony Orchestra conducted by Peter Eötvös, venue: BMC

o 19:30 – concert of Budapest Concerto Symphony Orchestra at BMC, conducted by Peter Eötvös and András Keller

Application deadline: 15 April 2023. We will send a confirmation letter until 1st May 2023.

Participation fee for active conductors: 600 €. Observer conductors: 300 €.

Participation fee for active composers: 500 €. Observer composers: 300 €.

Participation fee is to be paid until 15 May 2023. by bank transfer to the following account:

Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation

Bank name: K&H Bank Budapest

IBAN: HU76 1020 1006 6019 4912 0000 0000


Partial attendance gives no right for fee reduction. We accept only bank transfer.

Application material for active conductors: video recording, curriculum vitae with repertoire list, photo. Online application sent to the following e-mail address is obligatory:

Application material for composers: curriculum vitae with photo and at least 3 pieces sent in pdf. Online application sent to the following e-mail address is obligatory:

For any questions about the program, please contact at any time and we are happy to help with more information. Please note, that the times and venues may change.

Partners: Budapest Music Center, Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra.